How to Be Good at Stuff

I am bad at a lot of things. I think “mediocre” may be the correct word which  still means “bad” but isn’t as insulting.  Being mediocre means being “bad” at something most people are.  Being mediocre used to cause me to use drugs because I didn’t like the feeling of failing. I am realizing in my recovery that humility is what has caused me to start succeeding at my life. Also I realized it is normal to be mediocre. The fear of mediocrity is what causes lives to idle into decay. Mediocrity is intention without life experience.

Humility gives me the chance to try something that might scare me. In addiction I was afraid and did not try to succeed out of fear. People say that 2016 was a bad year, but I succeeded at everything I wanted. I learned mediocre people can succeed too if they keep on trying and show up for life. I am no super-confident expert on self help, but I am a junkie who succeeded at his goals last year. I cured my hep c, got a car, apartment, girl friend and got accepted into a graduate program at a very good university.

  1. Do not do drugs- Get into inpatient and put together a program. I assume most people reading this have some kind of recovery program and many may not be satisfied with their life still. Life gets better clean. You have so much extra resources and life power without the drain of addiction something positive will appear.
  2. Make a plan- When my sponsor first told me this I thought I would just end up future tripping and getting depressed. I made a list of goals that I know I had to accomplish. In recovery we get the chance to live life. We can “show up” and do what we are supposed to. Write down realistic goals that are important to you.
  3. Go to the Gym-  Do a lot of cardio. Get past the first 10 minutes on the elliptical and your endorphin will kick in. If you are a junkie you will love that feeling because it gets you high naturally but lifts your mood the whole day.
  4. Stay away from negative people- Even if they are not using some people just pollute your thinking.
  5. It isn’t supposed to be easy- If you are truly not designed to do something, don’t. However if it is something that you know you are supposed to do, then don’t give up. Remember that life does not hand out success, it is something to be earned. Listen to the intention of your life, the lives most worth living have the most challenges.
  6. Be mindful of your actions- In the morning set aside 5 minutes to be mindful of your body and thinking. On your commute to work be mindful of all the sights and the thoughts that pass through you.
  7. Failure is a step towards success– If you failed at something that means to tried to grow somehow. It means you are showing up to life instead of running and you should be proud. Think about what you did wrong and try something else. Maybe something better will be revealed.